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Dr. Gaye Cronin, OTD, OTR/L

Dr. Gaye Cronin, OTD, OTR/L

Dr. Gaye W. Cronin is a master clinician specializing in vestibular rehabilitation, neuromuscular re-education and balance retraining having treated more than 25,000 patients suffering from vestibular or balance disorders. She received her Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees from the Medical College of Georgia, and her Doctorate from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. She has 35+ years of clinical experience in various physical rehabilitation, education and administrative settings. Since 1988, she has been the founder and director of the Vestibular Rehabilitation, Balance Retraining, and Neuromuscular Facial Re-education Programs at the Atlanta Ear Clinic specializing in geriatric, pediatric, facial retraining, tinnitus reduction, fall reduction, and vestibular/balance rehabilitation programs for adults and children. She is also an associate professor at the Medical College of Georgia and the University of St. Augustine. Dr. Cronin has clinical experience in various physical rehabilitation, educational and administrative positions, including Emory University and the Medical College of Georgia.

Dr. Cronin has experienced a high rate of success in the elimination and reduction of vertigo and balance dysfunctions, and has successfully applied these evidenced based treatments with a variety of diagnoses and ages, including vestibular dysfunction, benign positional vertigo, migraine associated vertigo, Meniere’s disease, traumatic brain injury, childhood paroxysmal vertigo, and neurological disorders including CVAs, MS, cerebellar dysfunction, and other disorders of adults and children that affect balance, safety, movement, function and development. She has published extensively in medical and therapy journals and has conducted numerous national and international professional instructional courses to occupational and physical therapists, physicians, and audiologists/speech pathologists on Vestibular Rehabilitation, Neuromuscular Facial Retraining and Tinnitus Reduction programs.

Dr. Cronin also received as recognition for her body of clinical and research work, the Distinguished Alumnus award from the Medical College of Georgia and the Outstanding Graduate Award from St. Augustine University.

Articles and Publications

Guest reviewer for Acta Neurologica Belgica for published article: " Bilateral peripheral facial palsy following asymptomatic COVID-19." 2021.

Manuscript in review for Laryngoscope Journal: "Bilateral and unilateral cases of facial paralysis post COVID-19." 2021.

Cronin, G & Steenerson, R.L. (2018). Post-Concussion Syndrome and Vestibular Involvement, Journal of the Medical Association of Atlanta, 89:6. Page 1

Specialized knowledge and skills in adult vestibular rehabilitation for Occupational Therapy practice. The American Journal of occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, November/December 2006, Vol. 60, 669-678. also:

Occupational Therapy practice August 4, 2003. Occupational therapy and vestibular rehabilitation, Gaye Cronin disequilibrium of aging: Response to a 3 month program of vestibular therapy physical and occupational therapy in geriatrics 29 (2) 148–155, 2011

Vestibular disorders Association, www.vestibular Dr. org. Pediatric vestibular disorders: Recognition, evaluation, and treatment

The effectiveness of neuromuscular facial retraining combined with electromyography in facial paralysis rehabilitation. The Laryngoscope 115: February 2005

Effectiveness of treatment techniques and 923 cases of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The laryngoscope 115: February 2005 off balance. February 2004. Identifying balance disorders is the first step to proper treatment. By Gaye Cronin off balance. February 2004. Vestibular rehabilitation helps patients achieve functional goals. Balancing options

American Occupational Therapy Association volume 26 number 3 September 2003. Neuromuscular facial retraining for facial paralysis

Facial fitness. Daily exercises and massage techniques for a healthier younger looking U. Patricia Goroway


Professional Publications:

Cronin, G.W. (2017). Auditory and Vestibular Functions in Neuroscience, Publishing for 2020.

Cronin, G.W. (2012). Pediatric Vestibular Rehabilitation. Chapter in Pediatric Balance Disorders. Editor: Dr. Robert O'Reilly. Published by Pleural Publishing, CA, 2013.

Cronin, G.W. (2010). Developing a Pediatric Vestibular Screening Checklist. Atlanta Ear Clinic, 2012.

Articles in Print:

Cronin, G & Steenerson, R.L. (2018). Post-Concussion Syndrome and Vestibular Involvement, Journal of the Medical Association of Atlanta, 89:6.

Cronin, G & Steenerson, R.L. (2011 ), Disequilibrium of Aging: Response to Vestibular Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy for Geriatrics.

Cronin, G. & Steenerson, R. (2009), Comprehensive Neuromuscular Facial Retraining, International Advanced Otology, Vol 5 No 2 Supplement, 17-18.

Steenerson, R. Harbin R. & Cronin G. (2008), Gentamicin injections for Meniere's disease: comparison of subjective and objective endpoints, ENT Journal, August, 452-456.

Cohen, H.S., Burkhardt A., Cronin, G.W., & McGuire M.J. (2006), Specialized knowledge and skills in vestibular rehabilitation for occupational therapy practice, American Journal Occupational Therapy. 60:669.

Steenerson, R.L. & Cronin, G.W. (2005). Effectiveness of treatment with 923 cases of BPPV, Laryngoscope, 115 :226.

Cronin, G.W. (2004, 2010). Pediatric vestibular disorders: Recognition, evaluation and treatment. On the Level Publication by the American Vestibular Disorders Association, 21(3). This is currently being updated and revised with co-author RM Rine (2010).

Cronin, G.W. (2004). Balancing options: Vestibular rehabilitation. Advance for Rehab Directors, 13:43.

Cronin, G.W. (2004). Off balance. Advance for Rehab Directors, 13:53.

Cronin, G.W. (2003). Neuromuscular facial retraining. Physical Disabilities Special Interest Quarterly., 26(3).

Cronin, G.W. (2003). Occupational therapy in vestibular rehabilitation. OT Practice Journal, 8(14).

Steenerson, R.L., & Cronin, G.W. (2003). Tinnitus reduction using transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 36(2).

Cronin, G.W., & Steenerson, R.L. (2003). Effectiveness of neuromuscular facial retraining combined with EMO. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery Journal, 128(4).

Steenerson, R.L., & Cronin, G.W. (2003). Home study course on vertigo for the Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery Journal.

Steenerson, R.L., Cronin, G. W., & Gary L. (2001). Vertigo after cochlear implantation. Otology Neurotology Journal, 22:842.

Steenerson R.L., & Cronin, G. W. (1999). Treatment of annoying tinnitus with electrical stimulation. The International Tinnitus Journal, 5(1 ).

Steenerson, R.L., & Cronin, G.W. (1999). Treatment of tinnitus with electrical stimulation. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery Journal, 121(5).

Cronin, G. W. (1998). Neuromuscular facial retraining. OT Practice Journal, 3(3).

Steenerson, R.L., & Cronin, G.W. (1996). Treatment of tinnitus with electrical stimulation. American Tinnitus Association Proceedings from 5th International Seminar. pp. 353-356.

Steenerson, R.L., & Cronin, G.W. (1995). Comparison of the canalith repositioning procedure and vestibular habituation training in 40 patients with BPPV. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery Journal, 114(1).

Cronin, G.W. (1990). Vestibular rehab enhances patient's quality. OT Advance, 6(43).

Article Contributions:

Hamill, B. (1995). The basics of balance. PT Today, 3(26). Contributed on treatment results.

Colburn, D. (1990). When your sense of balance is out of whack. Washington Post Weekly Journal of Medicine, Science and Society, November 1990. Contributed to cover article.

Data Being Collected:

Cronin G.W. "Vestibular Disorders Neurophysiology" chapter in Text Book of Neuroscience for Elsevier Publishing Company to be published in 2018.

Cronin, G.W., Steenerson R.L. (2016) Vestibular diagnoses in a private otology practice and response to treatment interventions.

Cronin, G. W. (2015-16) Routine exercises help to prevent the recurrence ofBPPV.

Cronin, G.W. (2015) Visual-vestibular exercises for post-concussion syndrome.

Published Guest Commentary:

Electrical Stimulation Treatment for Tinnitus Reduction, Tinnitus Today, 2006, 2012. Rodenberry M. and Cronin, G (2009) Tai Chi for Balance. Contribution to VEDA Patient Education Paper (

Lennon, S. (3-2008). Your sixth sense: Good balance. Contribution in USA Today Weekend

Goroway, P. (2006). Facial Fitness. Chapter contribution on 'The benefits of facial exercise.' Published by Barnes and Noble.

Beurskens, C., Devriese, P., Heiningen, I., & Oostendorp, R. (2004). The use of mime therapy as a rehabilitation method for patients with facial nerve paresis. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 11(5).

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