Janie Barnabei has 32 years of experience in the field of Occupational Therapy. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy from the Medical College of Georgia in 1986. Mrs. Barnabei currently specializes in Vestibular Rehabilitation, Balance Re-Training and neuromuscular Re-Education programs. For 26 years she has contributed to the team at the AEC through her successful evaluation and treatment of vertigo and imbalance. She is also involved in the continued research and development of the Vestibular Rehabilitation Program at the Atlanta Ear Clinic.
Mrs. Barnabei’s experience prior to her work at the AEC includes: acute and outpatient care treating orthopedic and neurological patients as well as work in the Neonatal Unit at Georgia Baptist Medical Center. Mrs. Barnabei developed the outpatient Occupational Therapy program at Pinnacle Rehabilitation Center. She has also worked as a Certified Hand Therapist at Georgia Baptist Medical Center, Pinnacle Rehabilitation, and Northside/ Forsyth Outpatient Clinic.